Supplemental Instructions to Estate of
Frederick S. Berardi
OK..Here goes. My life is pretty simple, so this shouldn't take long or be too confusing.

I expect that there should be no disputes of the bequests. Beyond the specific bequests, all property will be divided equally amongst the named individuals. I realize that this document could be called into question since it is not notaryed.

Most of my records (including all of my personal and original paperwork) will be found in the filing drawer of my workstation at my home.

I will try to cover items here to help in the transition. Whoever finds this document first should get a copy to Sara Berardi in Cardiff-by-the-sea, Ca. She will handle all matters related to my estate.

Bank Accounts- Bank of America has two accounts for me, 21374-0207x (personal checking) and 21375-0208x (CUSTOMer Computing).

Vehicles-Ché gets my PT Cruiser. It will serve his family well.
PalmPilot-This device contains all of my contact information. This includes all serial#'s for Computer Software and Hardware. A copy of these records are on the "Workpad Desktop" program on my Home workstation. These Private Records are secured by a password both on the portable device and the desktop. The Password is written in the file folder labeled "4-20-99 Groin Surgery" in the files. These serial #'s will give you the ownership of that software & hardware. All other passwords are on this device.