This page was created as a method of providing the greatest access possible to a family album. Throughout history, there has been a conflict between the information gathers and seekers; and the information providers, especially if the information was about themselves. We are now, or should consider ourselves to be, part of a global information melting pot. The Human Genome Project will soon provide us with a totally new perspective on humanity's possibilities and what we KNOW about each other. I was lucky enough to be used in a panel mapping the liver.
The world is what it is. Closing our eyes to it DOES NOT change it. Some of the information found in these pages relates to LIVING people. I spent more than 20 years looking for my maternal Grandmother (while she searched for me) and it was only after she passed away in 2001, that I was able to find her name listed in a court document and find my family. I believe that we should help people find their roots but have a responsibility to respect the privacy of others at the same time. I don't list addresses or cities or anything that may point to a location of an individual. However, if you are afraid your children will discover their true linage here, I suggest that you shouldn't have procreated with a person if you didn't want your children to know who they are.
As the collector of the information displayed here, I have attempted human discretion in which information is displayed, utilizing as traditional a set of values as I could access. If any information is incorrect, or if you desire it removed from this document, please email me.